Thursday, November 17, 2016



In the book Things Fall apart, Race is a big issue because a group 

of people have infiltrated other people's homeland. The people that 

trespassed on the other's homeland tried to change their religion \

and the way they view the world. Their cultures and tradition were 

very different. This is the kind of issue that drives a man to kill 

himself. In this case, it will be Okonkwo bit you never how many 

lives it would take. How would feel if someone just tried change 

you religion and your tribe was going along with it. I don't know 

about you guys but I would be pretty confused. I wouldn't kill 

myself but that is just me. You never know who would kill 

themselves. There is a quote that caught my eye in thing fall apart 

and it says "we should have kill that white man", said Okonkwo 

(Achebe 192). This really explains how he  feels about the white 

men and how he wants to rebel.

Like in Things Fall Apart, Race is a big issue in America. People 

think they are better because their skin is lighter than someone 

else. People think that it is alright to kill someone because they are 

just sitting there. People like to create stereotypes that hold other 

people back. For example, Black people are loud and obnoxious. 

That is something that is not true for all Black people.White people 

can be loud and obnoxious. Any type of race can be anything. We 

shouldn't put down anyone because their hair is different or because 

their eye color is different than yours.

Image result for racism

Achebe, Chinua. Things Fall Apart. New York: Anchor, 1994. Print."Crossicon." 

Turner, Caroline. "Is It Racism Or Unconscious Bias?" The Huffington Post., n.d. Web. Nov. 2016

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