Friday, November 4, 2016

Ikemefuna Obituary

Image result for ikemefuna things fall apart

An Unfortunate death to a young man

By Adam Campos

Another death was brought upon us in the village. The villager that was killed, was no ordinary 

villager. Originally an outsider, this young man was brought in and was taken care of by the family 

of Okonkwo.This man's name was Ikemefuna. The death of Ikemefuna came on unfortunate 

circumstances, as the boy was ordered to be killed by the elders. 

After the three long years that Okonkwo and Ikemefuna had built a friendship while they lived 

together, Okonkwo was ordered to finish off Ikemefuna and end his life. 

It was a very difficult time of Okonkwo, as after this death happening, Okonkwo fell into depression. 

With the death death occuring in his home village happening to someone her had great cared for, it wasn't a fun time for him.

 When Okonkwo was first asked about the execution, he disobeyed and denied the order from the elders.

 With the elders becoming very upset, Okonkwo had to follow the order. 

A very strong and quick man when in defense, and with trying to create the fate of his life, his death came to end that trial, as his life right before was coming to a swirl and a disaster and out of control. 

Ikemefuna might have done the harm in his old village, but while at the village with Okonkwo, he brought no harm. 

It was an overturning and heart breaking execution as okonkwo listened in and heard a scream from Ikemefuna: "My father, they have killed me!" (Achebe 61) 

With Okonkwo wanting to show no weakness, he went over and cut down Ikemefuna and he had dropped right in front and it was a very sad night after that: "As soon as his father walked in, that night, Nwoye knew that Ikemefuna had been killed..." (Achebe 61)

Ikemefuna was 18 years old at the time of his death.
Achebe, Chinua. Things Fall Apart. New York: Anchor, 1994. Print. 

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